Sunday 6 September 2020

Thursday 17 August 2017

The Case of the Class Clown


NAME OF THE BOOK = The Case of the Class Clown

NAME OF AUTHER = James Preller


PUBLISHER = Scholastic Inc.
The case of the class clown is very mysterious book of ‘A JIGSAW JONES MYSTERY’ series.
In this book there is a mystery of class clown. This book contains a mystery which is solved by Jigsaw . In this story there is a girl name Athena was playing with Jigsaw at his tree house suddenly Mila come and join them . Then she told them about class clown after this Athena show her gym socks with Jell-o in her bag to them .After Athena left ,sometime later they have two suspects for their investigation. One of them is Jigsaw’s best friend name Ralphie Jordan . He is suspect because he make laughter to other . Another is his classmate name Helen Zuckerman because she want to laughter other. After a long investigation there comes a twist, by that twist they got class clown .The class clown is Helen . She did this because she wanted to become famous as Ralphie is . And she accepted her crime . If you want to read this book you can get it from our school library.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Geronimo Stilton,Secret Agent

  Book review

Book Name; Geronimo Stilton,Secret Agent
Author Name; Geronimo Stilton
Illustrated by; Cleo Bianco & Christian Aliprandi
Published by Scholastic
       This book is fantastic, first the way of designing book is superb which is done by Kay Petronio. The design of words attract everyone to read book. This book has one story but for become interesting it divided into chapters. The theme of book is very nice. Now I tell about theme-:
There was a Geronimo Stilton, he noticed a strange Rodent which was followed him to work and home again. Finally Geronimo asked him “Who are you? and  What do you want from me?”  Rodent said “He is a secret agent If you ever needed help you could call me.”  Later day Geronimo lost an important paper of office and his Boss told him to find it or the Rodent Gazette would be no more. Geronimo found everywhere but he didn’t want to call his friend because he thought he could do his own. Soon inough, Geronimo gave up and sat on side walk. Then his friend tapped him and he had the paper in his hand. He gave it to Geronimo and he gave it to his Boss and the Rodent Gazette was saved. This book is somewhere funny and somewhere sad but it is very fantastic.

                                                              THANK YOU


Thursday 27 October 2016

The 3 Mistakes of my life

  Name of the book: The 3 Mistakes of my life
  Author Name : Chetan Bhagat
  Publisher: Rupa publications India Pvt. Ltd.
Chetan Bhagat is the writer of this novel. He actually writes the reality of life.  He took the life of three persons Govind, Ishaan and Omi. Govind is a agnostic and he loved business too much. He was a good businessman who deal intelligently. Ishaan and Omi were his friends. Ishaan love cricket and also a business partner of Govind. Omi was also a business partner of Govind, and he was the son of priest. So, he believed in religion difference and all that which irritate Govind. The story started from the end when Govind sent a mail to Chetan that ‘He committed sucide.’ And Chetan found  him  in a city hospital in ahemdabad. There he asked him that – Do you even know what a friend is? And then Govind told him the whole story. Ali and Vidya were also the characters used by Chetan in the novel. The whole story is full of business, cricket and religion. There was also the discussion of food like khakara. So all over this story is one of the best of Chetan Bhagat.

                                          By : Aakanksha yadav 

A Christmas Carol

It is a story of a old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge who thinks money is everything.
One day after returning from his office, his old and dead business partner’s ghost (Marley’s ghost) comes to him and warn him about three spirits and then he go.
At midnight the first spirit came, it was ghost of Christmas past. He shows him that he was very greedy in past and lost his sister and father. And he disappear.
Suddenly, second spirit came, it was ghost of Christmas present. He shows that his clerk have less money but he is happy than Scrooge and his nephew laugh on him. Then he also disappears.
Then, the third spirit came with two children ignorance and want then he took him to the grave on which there was written “RIP Scrooge”. He tells him if he don’t change then it will be his future.
Next day, in the morning it was Christmas, the Scrooge was changed and he become a good person. He gives donation and goes to Bob’s house and gives gifts to his children. And promise to increase his salary.


Thursday 15 September 2016


पुस्तक समीक्षा
मैं अंजनी कुमार शर्मा आज शिक्षक दिवस ०५/०९/२०१६ पर  पुस्तक समीक्षा लेकर प्रस्तुत हूँ I पुस्तक का नाम गोदान हैI जो कि मुंशी प्रेमचंद द्वारा रचित एक उपन्यास है तथा प्रेमचंद साहित्य का एक अंश है I इस पुस्तक के प्रकाशक भारतीय ग्रन्थ निकेतन है तथा इसका प्रकाशन वर्ष २०११ है  और  मूल्य २०० रूपये है I यह मुंशी प्रेमचंद का कृषक जीवन पर आधारित कालजयी उपन्यास है I इसमें छोटे किसान के जीवन में आने वाली अनेक कठिनाइयों का सजीव चित्रण है I यह उपन्यास आज भी प्रासंगिक है I इसमें होरी नामक एक छोटा किसान गरीबी  से  जूझ रहे किसानों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है I तो धनिया होरी की पत्नी हर मुसीबत में उसका साथ देती है I उसके मन में जमीदारों के प्रति आक्रोश है परन्तु होरी कहता है कि जब दूसरे पांवों तले अपनी गदन दबी हो तो उन पांवों को सहलाने में ही कुशलता है I होरी का पूरा जीवन एक गाय को अपने दरवाजे पर बांधने  और गोरस को पीने की आशा में व्यतीत हो जाता है I प्रकृति की मार झेलते  और सेठ साहूकारों के कर्ज से दबे   होरी का जब प्राणांत हो जाता है तो उसकी पत्नी से गोदान कराने  की  बात की जाती है I यह उपन्यास का मार्मिक क्षण है I  इस उपन्यास को पढकर आप तत्कालीन परिस्थितियों से रूबरू हो सकेंगे साथ ही मुंशी प्रेमचंद के बेजोड कथा साहित्य का रसास्वादन भी कर सकेंगे I यह उपन्यास केन्द्रीय विद्यालय एटा के पुस्तकालय में उपलब्ध है I कृपया आप इसे  जरुर पढ़ें और हिन्दी साहित्य की गहराई को समझें I

अंजनी कुमार शर्मा  (TGT Hindi)

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Thoughts at Sunrise

Title                               - Thoughts at Sunrise
Name of The author     – Acharya Mahaprajna
Total page of the book  -  202
ACC No.                        -   607
Price of the book           – Rs. 195
This book is based on thoughts of our life style. The author of this book writes 365 thoughts for one year. Because they want that when we awake from sleep so first of all we read one thought and follow in life cycle .and author of book writes that if we follow the thoughts of book so we will maintenance our life for better future .and if we always choose nice thoughts for life and follow them perfectly so we will enjoy our life. And the title of book is also “ thoughts at sunrise” the meaning of this title ,every morning (sunrise ) choose nice thoughts and follow them and enjoy freely. And this book’s thoughts also maintenance the behavior and various dimension of the human mind.
Thank you

 Class -9th